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    Money Back Guarantee

    If you’re unhappy for any reason, let us know why. Our friendly support guy is standing by.

    If you do decide we’re not the right host for you though, we’ll give you a hassle-free refund. We may have to stock up on tissues if you cancel though because we hate break-ups, but we promise, no hard feelings. Just cancel your account within your first 30-days for a full refund, or receive a prorated refund of unused service after 30-days. It’s that easy.

    Free Domain Registration

    In order to qualify for (1) one free domain name registration, you must sign up for a 12, 24 or 36 month Bitbyhost Shared, Web hosting and WordPress plan. Offer only applies to domains available only .com at the time of hosting signup, and on their initial purchase term. This offer is NOT available under any other hosting plans, nor can it be combined with any other offers. After the first year, your domain will renew at the regular rate.
    If your hosting plan includes a free domain and you cancel your hosting within the first year, a non-refundable $12.08 USD domain fee (+ any applicable taxes) for the domain name will apply. Please note that newly registered domains cannot be transferred to another registrar during the first 60 days of the registration period.

    Discount will be automatically applied to your cart at checkout.